Constitutional Chamber restricts Parliament’s control functions
The judgment came a few minutes the bell ring. The same day the National Assembly -controlled by the opposition- planned...
The judgment came a few minutes the bell ring. The same day the National Assembly -controlled by the opposition- planned...
The Supreme Tribunal of Justice is always "in agreement" with the government. As if it were a web page, the...
Those winds brought these storms. The closure of media and the aggression against journalists did not just happen overnight. A...
La Sala Electoral insiste en dejar al estado Amazonas sin representación en la Asamblea Nacional. En la sentencia 126 publicada...
El magistrado Emiro García Rosas no quiere que el Ministerio de Salud sufra de estrés. Con la sentencia número 1636,...
Pese a que declaró que la Constitución prohíbe "cualquier forma de discriminación, incluso por razones de orientación sexual", la Sala...
Por considerarla una acción de "agresión" que viola "todas las fuentes del Derecho Internacional (principios, jurisprudencia, costumbres y tratados y...
There are no reasons for the unreason. Even when the civil association Espacio Público tried to request information according to...
More than giving judgment, the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice threw a rope to the National Assembly....
“El candidato de la oligarquía representa la privatización de las empresas y echará por la borda todo lo que se...